My 2020 Journey….

3 min readJun 2, 2021

Everybody dreams of enjoying the summers. They often make plans with their friends, family, perhaps for sleepovers or vacations to escape the Sun’s evil strategies along with learning something new during the ample time. Summer is the time for enjoying water parks while munching on ice creams, pastries, drinks, and more. But as March of 2020 approached, all these dreams got crashed down like a plane. We, all the passengers, got hijacked by the ‘Corona Virus’ terrorists which put the plane to a halt, stopping all our hopes and games for a very long time which is yet to stop.

That’s it. My all plans for the turned a mess. I couldn’t go out or be peacefully in my home knowing that even the step outside my door is dangerous.

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What did I do?

I was rather bored in my home for a few days. But then I started gaming up and realized I can’t waste the time that I’ve been given as a disguise in blessing laying on my couch and watching NETFLIX.

“Time is precious”

I planned a schedule for myself. I indulged myself in hobbies and learned through different online platforms wherein many institutes started giving free classes, conducting competitions, access to tutorials, storybooks, etc.

Also, I started helping my mom with different chores and got in cooking various dishes. I learned to make many fun yet healthy dishes. Watering plants is also genuinely a very healing thing to do. Maybe this change wasn’t bad after all:)

“Change is not a four-letter word… but it is often your response!” Jeffrey Gitomer, Author

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Most of all, I stayed strong. With a strong mindset, we can overcome anything. My grandfather passed away during the peak Covid time yet our family managed to process the news smoothly considering the crisis in the world which was more horrible.

The Challenges…

I am a social butterfly. Having said that, sudden lockdown caused me a sense of panic and anxiety. Something that I thought would be over in a week or month continued for months without any solution that could be seen shortly.

Staying in the home was harder than I initially thought. It was hard staying within the limits of my room and seeing the same faces of my family over and over again.

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Having to wear masks, sanitizing all the time with the fear of touching anything, and getting infected was so annoying at a point but I followed. The net became my only friend.

Overcoming them…

.) I started exploring all my previous hobbies and went refreshing my memories.

.) I spent more time taking care of my body. The skincare, Working out, etc.

.) Doing healing activities like playing chess or watering plants or drawing or bullet journaling and spent more time with family.

.) Writing stories as I am passionate about writing.

.) Did some self-reflection on myself regarding my goals and aspects of life.

So, I want to conclude by saying that though 2020 has been hard on we can still be happy and continue with our lives by staying at home and taking preventive measures. We can be better versions of ourselves by using the various opportunities. So let’s all use the time effectively, be safe and creative and pray that soon our lives be restored to us as they were.

At the end of the day,


